Learning from Home
(Distance learning when sick for a period of time)
Learning at home away from friends and your teacher can be really challenging. We have put together some resources that might be useful for you in the next few days while you are away. A good suggestion is to organise your day. The following is a suggestion of what a typical day could look like:
9 a.m. Learning activities from the choice boards below
10 a.m. Move your body - do something physical like dancing, bouncing on a trampoline, hopscotch, yoga etc.
10:15 a.m. Story time - if you're able to, ask an adult in your house to read a story to you and then talk about it
10:30 - 11 a.m. Morning tea time - have a healthy snack and get some fresh air
11 a.m. Learning through hands on activities e.g. create a Lego house, pick up a new skill such as craft activities, writing a song, baking, gardening, using a creative on-line tool
12 p.m. Lunch time
1 p.m. Learning activities from the choice boards below
2 p.m. Family time - do a family jigsaw together (if you're allowed to be together), watch a movie, water the vegetable garden, zoom a family member (e.g. nana and grandad) etc.
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