Children with Advanced Abilities

George Street Normal School has a long and proud history of catering for children who display high aptitude, known at our school as “advanced abilities”. Our definition of advanced abilities takes into account Gagne’s (1985) definition of gifted and talented students: 

“Giftedness is conceptualized as outstanding ability in one or more aptitude domains and talent as exceptional performance in one or more domain-related fields.  That is talent emerges from giftedness as a consequence of the student’s learning experiences.  “Giftedness” refers to a student’s outstanding ability in one or more domains (e.g. Intellectual, creative, socio-emotional or sensorimotor) and “Talent” refers to exceptional performance in one or more fields within these domains (e.g. writing, mathematics, science and technology, sculpture, athletics, languages).”

Children with advanced abilities at George Street Normal School are those children who are highly able in, and/or passionate about one or more area of human endeavour. These children have the potential or ability to produce work or perform at a level significantly above that expected of their age peers. These children:

They may enjoy:

We are aware that children with advanced abilities sometimes exhibit unique characteristics and behaviour and learn in an asynchronous manner.  They may come from a range of socio-economic backgrounds, gender, and age levels, from all cultures and may have a disability.

In providing programmes to extend and enrich our advanced abilities children we offer a range of opportunities and seek to embrace opportunities as they arise. The following list identifies some examples of variety of strategies that we may consider when catering for a child with advanced abilities:

We encourage the involvement of parents and whānau, and if required a range of outside supports, to help ensure that the needs of our children with advanced abilities are met.