
Contact Teacher:  Jess Lovell 

Netball Terms 2&3 2024 - registrations close Friday 10th May at 6pm Link to registration 

Games are played after school on Tuesdays at the Edgar Centre.  The 2024 season begins on May 28th and goes through until 20th August. 

Teams are available for Years 1-6.  Teams will be arranged according to the numbers and year levels of interested students.

Parent help to manage teams and umpire games on the day is essential.  Coaching/practices for many teams is available at school as we have a large number of student teachers able to help.  However, each team requires parents to take on the game day roles.  We require a manager and an umpire (or someone happy to do both) in order to enter each team.  Clear guidelines for the rules for each age group will be given and there is a lot of support at the courts on the day.  Please indicate if you would be willing to help manage a team on the registration form.  

Practices take place during school lunch times and announced in the daily notices at school.

The cost for 2024 is $70 per child.  $30 uniform top (purchase) / $20 uniform top (hire) 

Years 1 to 4

Round Times: 3:40pm, 4:25pm, or 5:10pm

Game Format: 5 aside, two thirds of a Netball court, goalposts: 2.1-metres from the ground (Y1-2), 2.6-metres from the ground (Y3-4)

Equipment: Bibs: A, A, C, D, D, Size 4 Netball

Officials: Each team provides a coach and umpire (this can be same person)

Game Day: Warm up: (10 minutes) includes 5 minute Netball Smart warm up, ball skill, bibs

Game:     4x7 minutes quarters

Breaks:     1 minute quarter time, 3 minutes half time

Registrations: Minimum 5 players per team – maximum 9 players per team

Years 5 & 6

Round Times: 3:40pm, 4:25pm, or 5:10pm

Game Format: 7 aside, Full Netball court, goalposts: 2.6-metres from the ground

Equipment: Bibs: GS, GA, WA, C, WD, GD, GK, Size 4 Netball

Officials: Each team provides a coach and umpire (this can be same person)

Game Day: Warm up: (10 minutes) includes 5 minute Netball Smart warm up, ball skill, bibs

Game:       4x7 minutes quarters

Breaks:       1 minute quarter time, 3 minutes half time

Registrations:   Minimum 7 players per team – maximum 12 players per team