
Payments can be made at our School office or direct credited to our bank.

Click on the word to access a form when you wish to purchase a sunhat or recorder:

Sun hat Recorder

George Street Normal School account:

Bank:  BNZ

Account Number:  02-0912-0320963-001

Reference:  Please use the following references (or another) as applicable:

  REQDON (Requested Donation)

  CAMP (Year 6 Camp)

  Y5Act (Year 5 Activity Week)

  Futsal (Futsal activity payment)


Georgies account:

Bank:  BNZ

Account Number:  02-0912-0320963-002

Reference:  Please use the following references as applicable:

 ASCG (After School Care Georgies)

 E-Bird (Early-Bird Georgies)