Kōrari Team (Models)

Shane Tamblyn (BA, GradDipTchg (sec), GradDipTchg) - Senior Teacher - Model 1A

Email contact:  shane@georgestreet.school.nz

Shane most enjoys teaching literacy, social science and visual art.  He strongly believes in engaging with all learners as individuals, and works to develop student agency in his class programmes.  Children in his classroom are encouraged to take leadership roles and Shane provides plenty of opportunity for the children to learn from each other. 

Jessica Lovell (BEd) - Senior Teacher - Model 1B, Within Schools Teacher Kahui Ako

Jess has taught in a variety of school settings and is experienced working with students from all walks of life and believes the key to a successful year is developing strong relationships with students and their whānau. She is passionate about Science and The Outdoors and loves to integrate these into her classroom programme. Jess enjoys all aspects of teaching and learning but has strengths in teaching literacy and numeracy.  Jess is also our sports facilitator this year. 

Email contact:  jess@georgestreet.school.nz

Helen Spain (B Ed, Dip Tcg) - Senior Teacher - Model 1A

Helen is an experienced teacher with a passion for books and reading. She has taught from new entrants to year 6, both in New Zealand and abroad. Her teaching strengths include literacy, maths, art, drama, and te reo Māori. Helen enjoys inquiry and project based learning, and values student centred learning approaches.

Email contact: helens@georgestreet.school.nz

Jo Henderson (BEd, DipTchg, Cert TEAL) - Model 2B, Models Team Leader

Email contact:  joanne@georgestreet.school.nz

Jo is an experienced teacher with ACE teacher recognition.  She loves working in the Models environment where she gets to know the children and their families so well.  Jo and her students also love collaborating with Model 2A.  Jo is very experienced working with children with special needs and she has a special ability in creating an inclusive environment.  As our ELL Coordinator, Jo values having ELL (English Language Learners) in her class and enjoys seeing their progress.  

Shannon Eathorne BEd (Early childhood and primary), Post Grad Dip (Literacy) - Model 2B Teacher 

Email contact:  shannon@georgestreet.school.nz

Shannon enjoys teaching in the Junior school with a particular interest in fostering strong relationships with whānau and supporting tamariki as they begin their school journey. Shannon creates a warm and welcoming environment for all learners, celebrating ākonga strengths and providing opportunities to develop social and emotional skills through games and play.  Shannon teaches in Model 2B on Wednesdays and Thursdays. 

Lisa Deed - Teaching Assistant

Lisa comes to George Street Normal School bringing a wealth of teaching experience.  Lisa is presently working with some of our younger children and enjoys seeing them experience success on a daily basis.  Nothing is ever a bother for Lisa!

Michelle Whelan - Teaching Assistant

Michelle qualified as an English Learner Assistant in 2010. She loves working with the children in all areas of the curriculum. Children enjoy working with her as she has a friendly personality and establishes a strong rapport with them.

Meg Schlaadt - Teaching Assistant 

Meg is a senior supervisor at Georgies.  She enjoys working with children and encouraging them to be the best they can beMeg is well known with our children and is a great asset to our Teacher Aide team.

Kate McCracken - Teaching Assistant

Kate is passionate about learning and helping children to learn.  She loves the diverse cultures in our school and enjoys working with children who are learning English as a second language.  Kate is trained in English language learning and has spent the past few years studying Te Reo at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.  

What are Model Classes

Our Model classes are a special feature of George Street Normal School and reflect our association with the University of Otago.  A Model classroom offers the opportunity of a country flavour of education in a city environment.  There are four Model classes in our school.  Each Model has children covering three class levels, just like in many rural primary schools.


Junior & Senior Models:

There are two Junior Models for children in years 1 - 3 and two Senior Models for children in years 4 - 6.  

Model 1B (Y1 - Y3) and Model 1A (Y4 - Y6) operate as a pair.

Model 2B (Y1 - Y3) and Model 1B (Y4 - Y6) operate as a pair.

Each pair of Models functions similar to a two teacher country school.  The Models foster a 'family atmosphere' in which older pupils help care for their younger classmates (i.e. they develop a tuakana/teina relationship).



Admission to all Model classes is at the discretion of the Principal.  Consideration is given to:

As admission to the Models is restricted, parents who are interested in Models placement are urged to contact the school well in advance of their children beginning school. 


Quality Education:

Programmes of work taught and opportunities offered in the Model classes parallel those of the main school classes.  There are however additional benefits for some children being placed in smaller, mixed level groupings with greater individual attention.  All children in Model classes have the same opportunities as other similar aged children within the school for Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC), sports teams and cultural activities.  George Street Normal School is fortunate in being able to retain more than one form of class organisation for the benefit of children, parents, student teachers and teaching colleagues.