Parent Teacher Association
* We have a friendly Parent Teacher Association (PTA) who actively support our school
* We are always looking for new members and welcome all our families and the new ideas that they
* All parents/caregivers are warmly invited to attend our PTA meetings
- we meet twice per term on Monday evenings at 7:30pm in the staffroom
What we do...
Help build our sense of community by providing opportunities to connect
Fund raise
Biennial school fair
School disco
Hosting the beginning of the school year "Open Day" BBQ
Ice skating night
Pizza lunch
Quiz night
Hot cross buns
Calendar art
Kids' market day
Ways we contribute to the school...
Purchasing new playground and sporting equipment, and renovating outdoor areas
Outfitting the Makers Space with art and technology resources
Purchasing new library books
Annual gift of Year 6 class photo to every graduating Year 6 student
Annual provision of funds to every class to purchase winter games and resources
Annual provision of funds for sound/lighting requirements for end-of -year productions
Annual provision of term date magnets to every family
Purchasing and outfitting three science trolleys
PTA Office Holders:
Chair: Yvonne Cooper
Email contact:
Vice Chair: -
Treasurer: Malcolm Friedrich
Secretary: -
Facebook: GSNS Friends of the PTA Group
* If you'd like to be involved but don't have much spare time you might like to join our Facebook group 'GSNS Friends of the PTA'
* Our facebook page will:
. keep you updated about our school events
. give you the opportunity to volunteer for one off events (e.g. helping at the disco, provide some
Click here for GSNS Friends of The PTA on Facebook
Entertainment Books
Entertainment memberships are expiring - Quick! Love Local - Make a difference and save.
Click on the link to access our special GSNS page.
2022 Meeting dates:
Term 3:
Monday 31 July (AGM 7 pm)
Monday 4 September
Term 4:
Monday 16 October
Monday 20 November (Offsite)
Copies of the latest PTA meeting minutes are available at our school office.